UPDATE: According to the Victoria Real Estate Board’s data, Sooke housing prices have increased 12% in the past year while Langford’s are up only 6%. Since Sooke’s present mayor & council were elected, housing prices have increased 26% while Langford’s are up only 17%. Now Sooke’s council wants to launch into BC Step Code 3, bypassing Step 1 & 2, and increase housing costs/prices by an additional $30,800 during a pandemic & housing crisis. 

Langford rejected the BC Step Code and instead supports the Built Green Canada program based on affordability, proven practice and certification, none of which is offered in the BC Step Code. To find out more about the BC Step Code visit “BC Step Code a Misstep,” which reveals the true costs, unintended consequences and BC municipalities advocating against the Step Code at their most recent UBCM conference in September. 

Sooke is also undertaking a review of their Official Community Plan by following the CRD’s Regional Growth Strategy. That strategy is actually an anti-growth strategy which will drive up housing costs and prices. Sooke is following the path of Saanich, becoming obstructive and costly.    

Past Post: The Victoria Residential Builders Association sent letters to the District of Sooke re: 1.cost of Step Code 3, 2. potential unintended consequences, and 3. National Building Code documents recently outlining issues including affordability and radon re: the BC Step Code. The VRBA’s added cost estimate is $28,000 not including overhead – at 10% the cost is $30,800. The BC govt lowballed the cost at $3,945. The govt also estimated the Step Code’s Tier 5/Net Zero at an absurd $17,450, whereas builders suggest at least $55,000 to $110,000.       

However, only documents supporting the BC Step Code have been made available during Sooke’s public survey which closes October 15, 2020.

The Sooke consultation lacks transparency and fails to enable the public to make an informed decision. Sooke council plans to leap into Step 3 which is why the Step Code is a Leap Code, giving the public the false impression higher efficiency will be achieved responsibly in steps.