Green Building
The BUILT GREEN® program focuses on seven areas:
Energy Efficiency
Indoor Air Quality
Waste Management
Water Management
Business Practices

Everyone appreciates the value of greater energy efficiency, reduced water usage, healthier indoor air, and improved comfort.
Built Green homes also represent an affordable commitment to the environment and future generations.
Consumers choose their own achievement and affordability level – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum – depending on the package and price point that works for you. To complete the EnerGuide rating, a blower door test is done on each home prior to occupancy.
There are significant rebates offered for energy-efficient Built Green homes – a list is available here.
If you’re thinking of a new home or renovation, think Built Green. To access local Built Green contractors, visit our online membership directory.
For more information on the Built Green program, visit Built Green Canada.
Visit to view winners of our annual Green Building Award at the CARE Awards.