Building & Industry News

Families Need Missing Middle Housing

CMHC announced our region’s housing starts for January to November 2019 and there is a 7.3% decline vs 2018 from 3,498 to 3,242. Demand is still strong, especially among a large millennial demographic, however challenges include land costs, zoning restrictions, slow...

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Try VRBA Expression of Interest

Thinking of building a new home or renovating? Try our online Expression of Interest making it easy to get quotes from VRBA’s professional contractors.   Visit and fill out the form which is forwarded to members. There is no cost or...

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‘Tis the Season for Giving

In good and tough economic times, there are always those in need. During the holiday season VRBA supports fundraisers to make a difference in our community. One such event is the Festival of Trees for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation helping children benefit from...

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Community Builders Building Our Community

As 2019/20 President, it is a pleasure to be part of an outstanding VRBA team building our community. I want to thank Jenny Martin, Past President for her leadership and hard work during the year. I look forward to continuing to work with Jenny and this year’s Board...

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